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Pack of 6 Rubber Blowpipe Valves. The classic "clack" Valve. A proper seal on the blowpipe is a great help in creating a stable tone...
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Pack of 6 Leather Flapper blowpipe valve. The classic "clack" Valve. A proper seal on the blowpipe is a great help in creating a stable tone...
Set of 5 pcs Rubber Stoppers also used to close off the drone stocks and the chanter stock when seasoning a bag...
Hemp Bowl Combed cotton thread used in refitting drones and chanters...
Strong non-slip pipe chanter tape for flattening off all of those sharp notes...
Wooden reed protector fits over the the reed while it's in the pipe chanter reed seat. The screw at the base of the reeds protector keep it in place at the end of the chanter....
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